Who is the strongest of them all haha
A) Arnold Schwarzenegger
B) Sylvester Stallone
C) Jean-Claude Van Damme
D) Dave Batista
HAHAHA I was just too bored
Monday, September 29, 2008
Who is the strongest of them all
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 8:25 AM 0 comments
T-A-G 100 questions Keh po punya tag haha
1.Name: Isaac Joel Elone
2.Birth date: 04-03-1994
3.Gender: Male
4. Height Short/medium/tall: umm maybe medium/tall or in between
5. Weight: 69
6. Waist line: umm dunno maybe 30+
7. Optics yes/no: yes but most of the time i take them off
8. favourite drink non-Alcoholic: Milo,Teh C peng,Green Tea umm anything isotonic
9.Alcohol yes/no/somtimes/light alcohol: sometimes
10. if sometimes/yes or light alcohol then what is it: beer and black label......blame gawai haha
Personal abilities
11. ability to cook? Yes
12. gifted abilities: umm music...singing....playing video games
13. sports/athletic games: umm basketball err anything would do
14. Hardworking: not so...on and off hehe
15. is your IQ good: maybe haha
16. Favourite singer: Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)
17. play instruments: yes
18. If question 17 is yes then what kind: any type of guitar, drums abit
19. how is your vocal: ok la haha
20. if you could get lessons from someone who would that be: umm Michael Angelo Batio
21. favourite band: alot..Avenged Sevenfold,Pearl Jam,Sugar Ray and some more
22. favourite genre: Rock,Classical,Instrumental
23. Been to any concerts: Yes
24. Enjoyed them: quite hehe
25. how good are you in music: good haha no just ok
26. Dream Occupation: Musician or Pilot
27. do you think it will come true: ask god haha
28. Are you striving for it: Yes quite
29. have you ever taken any occupation tests: nope no one provide
30. current job: Student
31. Own a car: nope haha
32. dream car: an exotic car like BMW,Ferrari,Lamborghini,Pagani,Mercedes,Noble,Buggati
33. are you happy with yourself: abit
34. current status single/taken/complicated/married/divorced: single
35. are you happy with your status: not really
36. If no why not: because i like someone that might not like me back hehe
37. interested in someone: Yes
38. how many kids would you want: ask my wife
39. Son or daughter: both would be fine
40. do you like kids: yea most of the time they put a smile on my face haha i sound like a girl
41. what school: SMB Saint Joseph
42. what class: 2B (2nd class among the 8 classes)
43. happy with your class: yes most of the time
44. favourite subject: science and PJK (PE)
45. least favourite subject: Math haha because of the teacher
46. ever got bullied: yes then i bully back a week later with a stronger physical state
47. ever got things being taken away from you by the teacher: yes my guitar dammit but i got it back
48. do you like your head teacher: only if he is in a good mood
49. got many friends? yea lots
50. hows the food in the school: taste like crap
51. Least favourite teacher: MR silly man (Sim Lee Meng) haha boring person
52. principal: currently nobody haha
53. cocurriculum: Basketball and nothing else
54. if you could make a club in your school what would it be: Music club (not marching band)
55. male school/female school/ mix: male
56. do you like your type of school: no i prefer mix
57. hate anyone in school: Yes
58. any gay/lesbians in your school: yes too many err crap
59. uniforms: yes
60. monthly hair checkups: yes i wish they dont
61. how many family members: a younger brother,a sister and parents
62. happy family: should be
63.ever had any conflicts in your family: yes
64. do you like your house: ok la
65. ever fight with any sibilings: yes of course
66. Favourite colour: Black,white whatever colour as long as its not gay
67. Favourite place on earth: should be luxurious
68. Favourite day: Monday
69. Favourite season: spring
70. Favourite Month: November or December
71. Favourite Game: Basketball
72. Favourite Person/People: umm God,Hensly Callixtus and Erwin Chan
73. Favourite movie so far: anything comedy
74. Favourite item in life so far: my guitar and basketball
75. Favourite food: anything nice haha
76. person you dislike: Allan Lee
77. drink you dislike: i dunno something bitter
78. movie you dislike: D-Wars haha
79. games you dislike: i dunno games are suppose to be fun arent they
80. season you dislike: Sometimes its summer
your Room
81. do you like your room: yes i do
82. what makes your room cool: Skateboard,music books,guitar,drum set,TV,Air Conditioner,DVD player,Stereo System, Clothes
83. is your room messy: yes
84. do you make your bed after you sleep: i tend to forget
85. do you tidy your room: sometimes
86. how is your wardrobe tidy or messy: sometimes its messy and sometimes its tidy
87. what do you think would enhance your room: a mini fridge
88. got any soft toys in your room: last time i do haha very long time ago
89. sleep alone: yes
90. ever let anyone with the opposite sex in your room besides family members: nope
91. Whats the first thing you do when you start your computer: turn on the internet
92. things you need in a computer: umm internet,things for school work,games haha
93. how long do you use you pc: not so long
94. are you a NERD: NO!!!!!I HAVE A LIFE!!!
95. Game freak: haha nope i have a life
96. how do you feel now: glad that im done with this
97. mood: still bored
98. need anything now: yes a drink
99. Time now: 7:18PM
100. are you happy with the tag: no haha because i made it and i dont feel the fun of making it
I tag anyone that knows me or anyone that does not know me at all haha
ok bubye
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Things are going up......my phones joystick is fixed.....mp3 fixed......found my long lost shredding pick.....height and body more athletic haha.....and i finally do things more seriously especially my homework...YAHOO!!!
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
My pick
Yes i found my long lost fender pick....its been so long.....and today i missed breakfast,play basketball,missed lunch,drink lots of water,missed dinner,go to empowered and now im still kicking!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
To be cool..........
1. Be yourself
2. Find your talent
3. Be socialized
4. Find a good look
5. Cool personality
6. keep a normal body look
7. cool hair
8. don't wear a mask (means don't be someone your not)
9. if can...play music haha...or listen to good ones
10. most important.....be funny haha
maybe its correct or i'm writing crap.....well thats me not you pozer it for all i care haha
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Sugar Ray
HEHE sugar ray...good band...nice for calming down seriously.....thats the lead singer..his name is Mark McGrath...should try to listen to their 4 songs from the album 14:59.....umm which was Every Morning,Someday,When Its Over and Answer the phone...oo their new album coming maybe ill buy it hehe end of this year....get bonus allowance and maybe work 4 money
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ill Nino
i recommend ill nino if you are looking to listen to spanish....mix rock......i think they are from brazil or Rio De Janeiro but listen to My pleasant Torture,With You and Me Gusta La Soledad < face="trebuchet ms">
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 6:34 AM 0 comments
This game is so famous for some reason....i dunno ask the people who spent their life playing it
it is quite fun but not so much later...unless someone challenges you to a match especially if you lost to him/her
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 6:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
01 Name: Isaac
02 Sex: Male
03 Email address: isaac_joel44@hotmail.com
04 Birthdate: 4th March 1994
05 Family: people in my house
06 Height: umm tall i think 169/8/7 not sure either 1 of it
07 Weight: 69 thanks to dumbells
08 Something good about yourself : im helpful
09 Something bad about yourself: always sleepy
10 Describe your personality in one word : Classic A haha
11 Celebrities that you like: well musicians....Michael Angelo Batio,Andy McKee,David Cook (good influence),Tom Morello,Kirk Hammet
12 Songs you like: Alot
13 Fav. Season: Spring
14 Games you’re good at: Alot
15 My ideal woman or man :......... :P
16 If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: Who cares
17 Your mood right now: tired and energetic dunno y
18 What you have in your pocket right now: this shorts dont have pockets
19 Sleeping out: nope
20 Alcohol tolerance: i never check
21 Drinking habits: sometimes but not so much
22 How old were you the first time you drank: 12 haha thats because it was Gawai
23 When do you want to get married: Some time in the future
24 About my singing: Best in class
25 About my dancing: ok ok....if i want to make it ok
26 Something I want these days: new handphone...new guitar.....new body haha
27 When you’re home alone: play my electric guitar and rock all day hehe because no one would say no
28 When you’re standing in front of the mirror: Check my fringe and face
29 clothes you’re wearing right now: Something
30 How much money do you have in your wallet: alot i guess
31 What you want to buy for your girlfriend/ boyfriend : cant say hehe
32 Does height matter to you: yes
33 What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: I dont karaoke
34 What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed up: of course i would be pissed off
35 What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: grrr.......i dunno depends
36 How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: not as long as a month
37 First kiss: not yet so sad
38 A feature you feel doesn’t need to be fixed:....everything needs to be fixed
39 Feature you feel should be fixed: Everything
40 People you miss the most right now: someone
41 First love: dont want to say because i regret it
42 When you cried the most: i forgot....i seldom cry now
43 When do you feel you’re grown up: buying my own stuff
44 What you don’t like: a gang trying to steal my stuff....ILL KILL THEM WITH ALL MEANS NECESSARY
45 When you felt happy: A lot of times
46 When you were most flabbergasted:........when things that should not happen happen
47 Best looking person of the opposite gender you’ve seen so far:..........cannot say
48 Why aren’t you going out with anyone: because its i dunno daytime and im on the PC
49 What you feel towards that person: i love her but im afraid to talk to her....sheesh i do suck after not being so close to girls for a year
50 What would you say to the people actually reading this: have fun
51 Something you’re most worried about: nothing much yet
52 When do you look most weak: after a long basketball game
53 How do you NOT get dumped: i dunno it happens ask GOD
54 3 things a person NEEDS: Food. Drink. Clothes
55 Your grades in school: One word...average
56 #1 on your phone: Music
57 Phone company:SONY
58 Phone bill : PREPAID
59 Place you want to go: U S AND A
60 Favorite TV program: My name is Earl it teaches you how to be good when you used to be bad haha
61 Movie that pissed you off: D-Wars....Big regret
62 Movie you watched with most meaning: movies dont have meaning because they act
63 Most recent movie watched: hmm Get Smart
64 Movie you want to recommend: You Dont mess with the Zohan....and...Get Smart
65 If you could become a character inside a movie: i would be the protagonist
66 How many net cafes are you a member to: none they destroy you
67 Which do you go to most often: not often to any
68 What you feel about this cafe? : boring
69 What you want to say to the starter of the cafe?: you are arrogant and selfish haha
70 You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: NO but if there are circumstances then i guess ill reconsider
71 What would you do if your parents didn’t bless your decision to get married: Run Away
72 Do you think you’re a player: Fifa Player,NBA Live Player,Guitar Hero Player,DotA Player,Medal Of Honor Player,Basketball Player,Guitar Player,Call Of Duty 1,2,3,4 player,Crysis Player wad player are you asking about playa
73 What time do you wake up: Any time from 7.30 - 11
74 When you go to sleep: Any time from 10.30 - 2.30
75 If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: just give.......its good to meet new friends but choose wisely
76 What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: Talk to that person
77 Celebrity you want to go out with: Adam Sandler cool funny guy
78 How many kids do you want:: ask my wife
79 Something you really want to be good at: body building ( not so much) and guitar playing
80 What I want to be in 10 years: Pilot or Musician
81 Someone you’re jealous of right now: Michael Angelo Batio....y God gave him the gift of guitar playing with quad guitars err i also wanted that
82 A word that you use a lot: i dunno
83 What I do when I first wake up: do my bed and do sit ups
84 What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: buy a new house,new instruments,new clothes,DONATE TO CHARITY,new game consoles and a new look
85 What would you do if you became invisible: Spy on people and help people
86 Singer you think is the best singing live: Eddie Vedder
87 Singers you don’t understand why they even sing: the singer from dragon force he sucks
88 A kind of man you don’t like: Ah Beng...except Phua Chu Kang
89 A kind of woman you don’t like: Ah Lian haha
90 What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you’re dating right now: i am not dating anyone now....then i would have to reconsider if that happen
91 What would you feel if you met someone you’ve broken up with: i would say hi and say lets just be friends
92 Most important possession: My ability to read and play music
93 What you do when you first get online: Windows media player
94 What surprised you the most: i woke up early today
95 What you do when you can’t fall asleep: read comics...or books but mostly comics
96 What do you think you were in your past life: not sure
97 If you were to be born again: i would start music earlier than it should be now......
98 What are you going to do after you finish this: work out
99 How honest were you: Very honest unless i have to keep a secret
100 What do you want to say: I LOVE YOU PPL
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 6:56 PM 0 comments
my hair
OMG the hair dresser is really bad at cutting i cant tell where....and she doesnt know how to use scissors.....cost me 25 again....so dumb
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 6:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
LOVE LOVE LOVE HEHE....this is the world we live in before or maybe now but most of the time love life is mostly like this
YES THE BROKEN HEART..........You know who you are and what you do.....you might be like this in conclusion
and even like this
EHHE THE ORIGINAL EMO...MR ADOLF HITLER.......just kidding pulling ur leg ok ok but maybe the modern emo
UNLESS YOU WANNA BE LIKE THIS poor dude here....than start being happy haha ok you might not learn anything from this but i only have 1 thing to say
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 11:20 PM 0 comments
If you have an enemy......if he is humble leave him/her.....forgive him/her......and forget.....other wise if he or she is different than those people like those.....well you know ppl....then do not leave them alive haha......make him afraid and threaten him,her......no just kidding about the last 2 sentences....but if it does happen consult someone older so that person would feel guilty if he or she is still like that treat the person like what the bible told me......."Treat him badly"
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 11:15 PM 0 comments
What Isaac Means |
![]() You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. I LOVE MY NAME HAHA |
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 11:13 PM 0 comments
crap...yesterday lost in a basketball match from 15-9 sheesh....well we only had 20 minutes per game.....and the people we were facing were at least a head taller than us.....We tried our best
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Kirk Hammett
Kirk Hammett....One of the most influential trash metal guitarists which is from Metallica....i wanna be like him haha
Posted by Isaac Joel Elone at 9:59 PM 0 comments